2012年4月16日 星期一

宋代中國窯址 地圖與實例

Ru ware special exhibition, Osaka 2010 ru ware list1 ru ware list2 japan1001 (176) japan1001 (174) japan1001 (223) japan1001 (224) japan1001 (228) japan1001 (230) Celadon,Southern Song Dynasty 12th Century Guan ware, Southern Song dynasty   宋代汝窯器物清涼寺  汝窯碗  Ru ware bowl

汝窯碗並不多見 根據乾隆皇帝 刻於 大衛德基金會 所藏 碗底敍述 清宮汝窯盤洗之類有近百件 碗只一二件 本件雖然釉色極佳 然而因溫度稍高且略有變形 因此應該是未入選宮中退為民間收藏使用之物 There has been discussions on what exactly is Ru-ware and most of the definitions came from court collections. There also was records about civilian Ru-ware and also those products though court style but not meeting the standard of the court. Modern imitation is another problem. Kiln sites that produced this kind of Ru-style wares were more than one according to recent excavations. I don't think this one is a bonafide court Ru-ware. But I do think this one is a beautiful piece of work , most likely rejected by the court and sold to the public , a rare treasure in ceramic art. Ru-ware , Court standard qin-bai tang-,-jar jun-ware-bowl oil-drop-Tenmoku-bowl Ge-ware, jun-ware folk-ware-gin teapot, Northern Song din-ware,-tza-dou, Northern Song

