2009年8月8日 星期六

ruware3 (8)

ruware3 (8), originally uploaded by DGVAS.

In contrast to court ru wares, civilian ru ware products were also plenty and for various domestic purposes.
This is called yen-tai, one of the 4 treasures of the traditional study. Inkstone .

Tang(AD 618-907)-,-yellow-glaze-jar-with two ears

Typical Tang jar. Beautiful shape.

Dinwarescraffiato (15)

Dinwarescraffiato (15), originally uploaded by DGVAS.

Meeting all criteria of Ding ware , this bottle is a very rare example of Ding scraffiato art.

宜興 朱泥 小壺 金面壺 stoneware teapot of Yixing

these small teapots , usually around 80-140ml , were popular in Fu-kien and Taiwan in late 19th century.

ru ware, Ju ware , 汝窯碗

ru ware, Ju ware , 汝窯碗, originally uploaded by DGVAS.
Ru ware is the most treasured Chinese porcelain species. Most people get to see this species in museum under artificial lighting.The color of ru ware is a very important factor to its value and also the decision point of being chosen to be court ware of Song Dynasty. The color the emperor wanted was "like the clear blue sky after rain ".
When this photo was taken , this bowel was under the sun light of hot summer day through the window. The faint redish color beneath the blue color is exactly the combination described in the literature for Ru ware in Song Court

. ru ware, Ju ware , 汝窯碗

宋汝窯碗 供御 因變形而揀退 賣入民間 使用過的  較早期之作品 三隻支丁


汝官正色一  The color of Court Ru ware , Ju ware

洪武-碗  Ming , Hongwu ,14th century blue and white, 元明瓷器 精粗 看所用材料 以及底足工藝 高級品 價值高 少見


five-dynasty-yaotzo-bowl, 10th centry

The Museum of Oriental Ceramics ,Osaka. Korean series

Yaotzo , carved

汝窯以後 元明就多了